Thursday, June 29, 2006

La vérité… est ailleurs, comme d’habitude.

Drôles de textes (en anglais), à lire absolument:

Commencez par celui-ci :

If we turn things upside down
we can't be the best country in the world
I would be lying to you if I said that
Argentina has a great future ahead
that we will be a safe country
that our economy will be strong
that our children will be healthy, get an education and have jobs
before anything you must know
our country does not deserve such things
and I am convinced of this because I know the Argentine people
corruption and hypocrisy are in our nature
I refuse to believe under any circumstances that
we could be a great country in the coming years
thanks to the people's votes
this country is sinking to new depths but
there are even more surprises to come

has only one destiny
and whether we like or not

this is what is real

Lopez Murphy
For President.

Maintenant lisez ça:

this is what is real
and whether we like or not

has only one destiny
there are even more surprises to come
this country is sinking to new depths but
thanks to the people's votes
we could be a great country in the coming years
I refuse to believe under any circumstances that
corruption and hypocrisy are in our nature
and I am convinced of this because I know the Argentine people
our country does not deserve such things
before anything you must know
that our children will be healthy, get an education and have jobs
that our economy will be strong
that we will be a safe country
has a great future ahead
I would be lying to you if I said that
we can't be the best country in the world
If we turn things upside down

Lopez Murphy
For President.

Alors quelle est la différence? ;)

Vous voulez peut-être écouter (et voir) ce discours, je vous le conseille, c'est ici.
Rien à voir, mais superbe, regardez ça.


Houdac said...
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Anonymous said...

Iwa, et ceux et celles qui parlent pas anglais?

Houdac, qu'est-ce que tu dis? Bien sûr que c'est soi-même, soi-l'autre n'étant que le reflet de soi-même...

Anonymous said...

Je viens de faire un effort pr lire les textes. Je connais la formule. J'avais reçu une lettre (en arabe) d'un mec pr sa copine, écrite un peu comme ça. Mais c'est effectivement un excercice intéressant. Et effectivement, je me rends compte que ma réponse à Houdac est un peu stupide. Je comprends mieux son com' mnt. Kisses to you (c'est sympa l'anglais. Il n'ya pas de "tu" et de "vous", il n'ya que "you")